Saturday, April 26, 2025
Spring 2025 Baseball and Softball Registration is now Open!
Implementation of USA Bat Standard Began on January 1, 2018
Check out our new Online Stores!
Welcome to the RYBSA Fields Complex This facility was built by Raynham residents for our children and invited guests - for their recreational use and enjoyment. The Raynham Youth Baseball & Softball Association has adopted certain rules that are to be followed by all that enter this facility. Please be considerate and observe these rules: Use of vaping and tobacco products anywhere at this facility is strictly prohibited.No drugs or alcoholic beverages. No profanity or abusive language. No knives, firearms or explosives. No bicycles, skateboards or scooters. No vehicles inside the fenced area - parking in designated spaces only.No Pets allowed on the Complex, this includes all public access areas, playing fields and building. No hitting into the fences.No throwing balls against the building. No Children allowed in the scorer’s area. PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with the RYBSA Code of Conduct, any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any umpire, league official, coach, player, or parent - such as booing or taunting; refusing to shake hands; or using profane language or gestures is strictly forbidden. The RYBSA observes a zero-tolerance policy with regard to improper conduct. Copies of the Code of Conduct are posted throughout the facility and are available at the concession stand.